6mm x 80mm Twist Bolt

The 6mm Twist Bolt. One of our most popular bolts! Exceptional strength in a compact form with unrivaled pull-out resistance and the lowest visual impact of any bolt on the market. The eye takes karabiner and 11mm rope or two karabiners.
excluding shipping
Availability: 230 in stock
SKU: sku001

 *Requires a hammer to install. This ensures that glue and bolt stay in place while the glue cures.

  • No need for counter sink and suitable for over hanging placements.
  • 6mm Twisted Wire
  • 14mm, or 1/2" dia. hole.
  • Length 80mm
  • AISI 316 (A4) Stainless Steel.

* When placing any glue-in bolt, always ensure that you "dry test" the placement by inserting the bolt that you intend to use into the hole! This process is highly recommended to be certain that the drill hole has the proper diameter and depth. This step should always be done prior to injecting any glue into the hole!

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